This is a beautiful poem by my friend Salil Deena.
Read it. Contemplate it. Enjoy.
A sense of wonder
Sometimes, the amazement of the universe makes one ponder
Rational thought just retires into the corner
And the magic wand of intuition becomes the main actor
Leading one into magical worlds of deeply bewildering wonder
To achieve this sense of mystical innocence
Deep humility, a loving heart and the curiosity of a child
Are what it takes, as well as some patience and perseverance
For it takes some cultivation of character to stop the mind from going wild
All of our experience is coloured by the mind
The greatest luxuries of the world have no value
If the mind is imbued with negativity and the heart is not kind
It is like having no appetite whilst sitting in from of an exuberant menu
The mind trained to appreciate simplicity
Sees beauty everywhere, from the chirping birds, soothing breeze or dazzling sunset
All speaking for a formless spirit that expresses itself through multiplicity
The same voice can be heard within when the mind is quiet
When the mind is tranquil and the heart overflowing with joy
The inner spirit is expressing itself through its chosen channels
Being infinite, it creates a universe to play as a toy
Knowing no bounds, through time and space it travels
When one looks at the world through the innocence of a child
A deep sense of wonder is felt as one marvels at the majesty of nature
That seems to be infinitely composed but at the same time wild
Yet the flourishing of conscious life is what it seeks to nurture
A silent force seems to be at work in the organisation of natural phenomena
From the decentralised organisation of aunt colonies
To the flocking of birds in v‐shape for aerodynamic optima
Nature does everything silently and without worries
The beauty of this seamless and effortless interdependence
Cannot but leave one baffled at such synchronisation
It reveals the majesty of an unbounded omniscience
That has infinite powers of organisation
Wonder is all around us only if we have the eyes to see
For by getting caught in our worries and anxieties
We fail to perceive the beauty of totality
Whereas to the mind of innocence, nature reveals its mysteries
Salil Prashant Deena
Photo credit NASA Goddard Space Flight Center available on Flickr undrer Creative Commons.