There is a time
There is a time.
There is a season.
There is a rhythm.
Every rhythm is a repetition of patterns. (While we often think these are cyclical, in fact, the cyclical repetitions evolve along spirals.)
The simplest one involves two extremes, say “in” and “out”, action and rest or “up” and “down”, and the middle point or the center.
You take the breath in. You pause. You breath out.
You plant the seeds. You wait. You reap out.
You learn. You practise. You apply.
You work. You flow. You rest.
It is the space, the break, the moment when you pause, when things begin to happen. It is of crucial importance. Sometimes, the crossing of this middle point is barely noticeable, while other times it lasts infinitely long. As it seems.
The “in” is the active receiving or taking in. It is often the most difficult, time consuming stage, because it involves intent, gathering of the data, hard work and conscious effort.
The middle point is a spark that ignites the necessary processes of assimilation and transformation. The progress is hardly observable at this stage.
The “out” is the generous giving away or giving back. It is only a release, after the things have been assimilated, digested, understood or worked out.
When you have a time (a week, a month, a year or a decade) that feels unproductive, with lack of progress and motivation, filled with missed opportunities, rejected projects or failed accomplishments, remember that there are also times when things happen with grace. There are times you fly and there are times you walk.
It is pointless to keep forcing a day to arrive when the night is long and deep.
It is ineffective to take action for the sake of doing something when the right solution is being worked out.
It is immature to leave for a journey when you are not packed yet.
You can’t make an adult from a small child, neither collect the fruits from the seeds. The forced solution will not hold. Instead, you need to understand the stage you are in, appreciate it and blend in.
It is okey to wait for the right time.
Because …
There is a season.
There is a rhythm.
There is a tide.
Wait for your tide. It is coming soon.
The image above shows a beautiful quilt by Inge Duin. See more of her works on