Photo credit Leandro’s World Tour, available undrer Creative Commons on Flickr.
I look around and I see people.
I look closely and I recognize the unbalanced self.
I look at the world and I perceive gossip, curses and unkindness.
They stand out.
They shout.
They paralyze.
They hurt.
Yet …
Love is stronger than hatred.
It shines continuously in spite of everything. The rays of love are there, as always. Beautiful and strong. Just become silent and notice them. On your face and in your heart.
When you listen to and understand others, love comes naturally as the recognition of yourself in the other person.
Her struggles are your struggles.
Her challenges are your challenges.
Her blessings are yours too.
Let us pay attention.
Let us respect each other.
Let us be kind.
And by changing ourselves we will change the world.
Music comes strongly to me at times and it is such a time now. The music of a great Polish composer and musician, Czeslaw (Cheslav) Niemen, has been with me for some weeks now, especially the song “Strange is this world”. Niemen was hardly known outside the Slavic countries, yet he was a very special guy. I’ve grown up with his songs.
Strange is this world
How strange is this world
where still it seems
there is so much evil.
How strange it is
that seems so long
man despises man.
How strange is this world
of human affairs,
sometimes I’m ashamed to admit
a man can kill a man
with a bad word
as if with a knife.
Most people are of good will,
and thanks to them
I believe strongly
that this world
should never, never, never die.
And now the time has come,
the final time
for hatred
hatred to destroy in oneself.
This is the original Polish version from 1967:
This is an English version from 1973, a very different interpretation
And finally, the latest interpretation of this song by his daughter Natalia. It sends shivers down my spine.