by Ela | Jul 7, 2013 | Nerdy, Reflection
Do you want to stay anonymous or do your prefer personal service? As for me, it depends. I like personal service when I choose to connect to people e.g. in the place I live. I recognize them and they recognize me back, we exchange smiles or have a small talk. I am...
by Ela | Oct 9, 2012 | Learning
Do you want to be a norm? You want to be perfect. Balanced. Harmonious. Spotless. That is what you think you want. To follow the perfect dream. You want to have a great family. (Obviously, a great house and a car too.)You want an easy and smooth life.You want to make...
by Ela | May 25, 2011 | Health & Wealth, Understanding
Have you ever wondered why there is a poison label warning on your toothpaste? No? Haven’t you ever notice that? Hmmm…. Perhaps, you can have a close look next time when you brush your teeth. “Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If...
by Ela | Apr 4, 2011 | Effective communication, How-to, Learning
If there is one thing to make you an effective communicator, it is active listening This is a sequel to this post on active listening. In active listening, the magic happens because you shift your attention from yourself to the other person. You listen with the...