Memory of the Heart

Every year I take the time to remember the Ones who passed away. I do it especially on the All Saints’ Day and All Soul’s Day, i.e. the 1st and 2nd November. The Ones are family members, friends and interesting people whom I have met on my path. I light...

Stuff(ed) duck and stuck

There is Stuff. Stuff is all great things you bought, got, borrowed, subscribed to, created or inherited. You keep them in your life, in your head, in your body, in your wardrobe, in your house, in your car, at your work, on your computer, and so on. Stuff. Stuff is...

There is no other way

Before you can have,        you need to do. Before you can do, you need to become. Before you can become, you need to breathe. The truth. *** Face it. There are no shortcuts. There are no privileges. There are no hidden passages. There is no other way, but living the...

Knowing is beyond Knowledge

Imagine your brain. Hopefully, you saw a picture of a human brain at some point in life so you can imagine it now ;). A rough idea is enough. The human brain The cerebrum with its gray matter is the largest part of your brain. It lies around most other structures of...