Childhood dreams: Who is holding you back?

I had a dream as a child. My dream was to conquer the whole world. Was it also your dream, perhaps? Of course I knew it might be difficult, perhaps even very difficult, but it sounded possible. Just as possible as for a boy, usually perceived as a stupid or incapable...

Consciousness at the Door

    Door. Door. Door. Wherever you go, there is a door. To open. To close. Or to go through. Sometimes to pass by too. You can hit the door. You can break the door. Or you can pretend that there is no door. The door is however there, whether you like it or not. There...

Do opposites attract?

In our world for a thing that exists, also its opposite exists. This holds for qualities, concepts and physical things. So we have, Day and Night, Black and White, Inflow and Outflow, High-tide and Low-tide, Rise and Fall, Up and Down, Inside and Outside, Spiritual...

There is no giver without receiver

When you give, you are in a position of power and control. You have something to offer. But perhaps the act of giving is not of a pure intention. When you receive, you are in a position of humbleness. You have something to welcome and accept. But perhaps what you are...