by Ela | Jul 7, 2013 | Nerdy, Reflection
Do you want to stay anonymous or do your prefer personal service? As for me, it depends. I like personal service when I choose to connect to people e.g. in the place I live. I recognize them and they recognize me back, we exchange smiles or have a small talk. I am...
by Ela | Nov 2, 2011 | Patterns, Reflection, Understanding
Every year I take the time to remember the Ones who passed away. I do it especially on the All Saints’ Day and All Soul’s Day, i.e. the 1st and 2nd November. The Ones are family members, friends and interesting people whom I have met on my path. I light...
by Ela | Apr 25, 2011 | Learning, Understanding
While looking at my own challenges and those of my friends, I’ve again realized how important self-esteem is. Healthy self-esteem, of course :). It is very important, even fundamental in your life. Self-esteem is a particular experience of Self. It is an...