by Ela | May 15, 2013 | Reflection
There is a time There is a time. There is a season. There is a rhythm. Every rhythm is a repetition of patterns. (While we often think these are cyclical, in fact, the cyclical repetitions evolve along spirals.) The simplest one involves two extremes, say...
by Ela | Mar 15, 2012 | Exercises, How-to, Learning, Performance
Coaching is a practice of conscious development Coaching is about paying attention. Coaching is about acceptance. Coaching is about asking questions. Coaching is about listening. Coaching is about learning. Coaching is about rising your consciousness. Coaching is...
by Ela | Jul 21, 2011 | Patterns
This is a guest post by my inspiring friend Bob. In the previous post “Is Mac better than PC?” Ela describes her choice for a Mac over a PC and states that this has been “one of my best decisions in life”. Such remarks can be heard more...