by Ela | Jan 26, 2015 | Exercises, Health & Wealth, Performance, Self mastery
Photo courtesy Tony Hisgett available from Flickr under Creative Commons. Concentration and self-mastery Have you ever watched a person of a strong reputation or character? If you have a chance, observe them closely. Look how they sit, walk and talk. You will notice...
by Ela | Jun 13, 2014 | Performance, Reflection, Stories
Photo courtesy Tea, Two Sugars, available under the Creative Commons license on Flickr. Speed matters In the last few weeks my son was learning to ride a bike. Although he previously refused to use a balance bike, he suddenly got super interested in riding a chunky...
by Ela | Mar 20, 2014 | Books, Get Unstuck, How-to, Learning, Performance
Photo courtesy Fe Langdon, available on Flickr. “You are what you focus on” is the title of a chapter from the “Accidental genius” book by Mark Levy. There are two important points I will be making here, so please pay attention. Focus Your...
by Ela | May 25, 2012 | Learning, Nerdy, Understanding
Let me first clarify what I mean by a “bad idea” here. “Bad idea” means ineffective, at best and stopping progress, at worst. “Learning from mistakes” is an expression strongly rooted not only in our language, but also our...
by Ela | Jan 11, 2012 | Books, Consciousness, Patterns, Stories, Understanding
This post is inspired by The Acorn Principle book. “This above all: To thine own self be true, and it must follow – as the night the day – thou cans’t not be false to any man.” “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare You are an acorn...