January 2017
May 2016
February 2016
January 2016
December 2015
November 2015
July 2015
May 2015
February 2015
January 2015
December 2014
November 2014
October 2014
August 2014
July 2014
June 2014
May 2014
April 2014
March 2014
- Appreciate the Difference
- Freewriting advantage: you are what you focus on
- Free your genius: freewriting for problem solving
- The power of anchor for problem solving
February 2014
- Love your problems
- "If a man knows how to fish, will he?", or the power of open questions
- Chickpeas will rock your day, or how to make houmus
January 2014
- Two effective ways to stop sugar craving
- Why sitting kills, while moving heals
- Your true power when you believe it's not there
December 2013
November 2013
October 2013
- On simplicity and complexity
- Essence vs Form
- How to reach enlightenment
- Perseverance redefined
- Nettle infusion - the best energy packed drink
September 2013
July 2013
May 2013
- The effectiveness is a measure of truth
- The power lies in the present moment
- Do opinions matter? ... or a story on coffee and a bicycle shed
- There is a time and there is a tide
March 2013
February 2013
- On being okay
- Guard the Time: a call to thinkers and managers
- Are you ready for a world without antibiotics?
- Blend in or the wu wei principle
January 2013
December 2012
November 2012
October 2012
September 2012
August 2012
July 2012
June 2012
May 2012
April 2012
- Beyond busyness
- Needs and Wants. A very short guide to buying stuff
- Darkest before the dawn: how to get through the dark hours
- Four pillars of wealth creation
March 2012
February 2012
- What you thought learning was about - it's not
- Unique You: a masterpiece between Similarity and Difference
- How to persevere: practices for growth
- Healing: Anybody for the killer tea?
January 2012
- The letter for the king or your life story
- The ultimate secret to happiness
- Green smoothie evolution - an update
- The acorn principle
- Childhood dreams: Who is holding you back?
December 2011
- Serendipity or the ultimate formula for success
- The middle way - an advanced path of development
- Consciousness at the Door
November 2011
- What has a pendulum to do with your life? The principle of rhythm
- Do opposites attract?
- There is no giver without receiver
- A short tale about giving and receiving
- Memory of the Heart
- Stuff(ed) duck and stuck
October 2011
September 2011
- Knowing is beyond Knowledge
- Why best decisions are wrong and what to do about it
- The key ingredient behind successful decision making
- Why intuition is not more than you think
- Emotional decision making and the Descartes' error
- Linux for home users - a superior choice
August 2011
- The Parzival question - a question that heals
- Rational decision making and the curse of dimensionality
- A sense of wonder
July 2011
- Don't give up, there is hope
- When are decisions consciously made?
- Is Mac better than PC?
- Summer bliss: how to make raw ice-cream?
- Best green smoothie recipes
- Best smoothie blenders for making green smoothies
- Green smoothie (r)evolution: eat more greens and love them too!
June 2011
- Going through and managing change
- Elements of human consciousness
- Hasty generalization or a tale on how generalization is misused
- Generalization is the answer
- Accurate concept learning as a practice to increase intelligence
May 2011
- Effects of fluoride, or what is hidden in your toothpaste
- Experience flow
- Love is a place, Yes is a world
- Stop complaining once and for all
- Become conscious
- Three views on complaining
- Consciousness meetings - how I experienced synergy in a group
- Six pillars of self-esteem (p. 2)
- Six pillars of self-esteem (p. 1)
- Seek to understand
April 2011
- Self-esteem is to value and appreciate oneself
- Little known ways to a perfect feedback
- What are the patterns in your life?
- Active listening: the best kept secret of effective communication (part 3)
- Active listening: the best kept secret of effective communication (part 2)
- Active listening: the best kept secret of effective communication (part 1)